What - To -Do Family Training Workshop
Co-Creating Plans That Work For People Who CareSaturday, June 22nd, from 9:30-11:30am
Family Training Workshop is Free.
Navigating trust settlement is stressful enough without the added trauma of losing a loved one. This interactive workshop is designed to provide the basic steps of settling a trust-based estate along with the most important “Do’s and Don’ts” so you are prepared before you need it. Education and preparation are keys to reducing your settlement costs and emotional turmoil, so bring your family members, beneficiaries, successor trustees, and helpers and learn together.
MSU Community Credit Union
4825 Mount Hope Road
East Lansing, MI

Clear up misconceptions
Keep you in control
Reducing settlement costs
Your Team of Experts
James L. Moore, J.D ; CExP; CEPA;

Richard A. Kerbawy, J.D

Casey Conklin, J.D; CEPA
Reserve Your Spot
RSVP with Kym at 616-717-2539 or fill out the form using the code SUMMER2024 below to register for this workshop.